Sunday 27 January 2019

Japanese Garden - Summer Update

The Japanese Garden, located on the VCE Campus at Frankston High School, was opened on the 15th anniversary weekend of the Frankston-Susono sister city proclaimation - Sunday 23 February 1997. It is both a physical and tangible representation of the strong relationship that has developed over the past 37 or so years between the cities of Frankston and Susono.

Whilst the garden continues to flourish for the most part, the summer months always present a challenge. In particular, the searing heat warms the large boulders, draws moisture from the earth, and creates areas where the mondo grass struggles to survive. Ironically, the weeds seem to thrive in these conditions as many gardeners would know!

The primary focus in the warmer months is to ensure the garden is well watered. Other tasks include 'dead-heading' or removing the dead flowers and leaves from the many azalea and rhododendron bushes, removing much of the leaf litter (including the bamboo leaves), and weeding!

After some hours work over the weekend, the garden is now in a presentable state for the start of the 2019 school year. My thanks to Adrian Thomas who was able to provide a couple of hours assistance on Sunday morning and has expressed a willingness to help in the future.

We will be back in the garden next Sunday morning (Sunday 3 February) from 9 a.m. If any other FSFA members are able to provide some assistance it would be greatly appreciated!

Our next executive committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 5 February at the Frankston City Council Chambers commencing at 6.30 p.m. Visitors are always made very welcome!