Tuesday 30 July 2019

Frankston Susono Friendship Association - Bulletin No. 6

Frankston Susono Friendship Association

Bulletin No. 6

August 2019

Dear Members (Friends of FSFA),

Welcome old friends and new found friends to the FSFA monthly bulletin. It is a snapshot of our happenings and interesting things about Japan.

Don’t forget you are most welcome to attend our monthly FSFA Executive Committee meetings. They are held at 6.30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. The location is the Acacia Room in the Frankston Council Offices. Enter off Young Street.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Frankston Susono Friendship Association will be held on Tuesday 3 September 2019 at 6.30 p.m. The location is the Acacia Room in the Frankston Council Offices. Enter off Young Street. Everyone is most welcome.

Please click HERE for your copy of the Annual General Meeting Agenda, and HERE for a FSFA Executive Committee Nomination Form if you are keen to be more actively involved in the Association.

Susono Friendship Garden

The Susono Friendship or Tribute Garden will be officially opened on Tuesday 13 August at 10.15 a.m.
A commemorative plaque will be unveiled at the event. The plaque will detail the sister city relationship and the contribution of the Yazaki company to the fabric of Frankston and to bringing Frankston and Susono together.

Everyone is most welcome to attend the event. The garden is located in Susono Way, Frankston adjacent to the Frankston Private Hospital.

This site is one of the gateways to the City of Frankston. A feature of the garden is a row of beautiful cherry blossom trees.

Virtual Reality (VR)

CNN recently posted a story about the use of Virtual Reality Technology in Aged Care facilities in Japan. It gave their older folk the capability to “travel” to all parts of the world.

Last year FSFA were ground breakers with Virtual Reality when it was showcased at the Australian Fair in Susono. We brought Frankston to the citizens of Susono through a short 360 degree video and VR goggles.

That video can be downloaded off our website www.frankston-susono.com


We welcome your thoughts on the Bulletin and things we could include, etc. We all share a passion for Japan, its culture and traditions. This is one way we are using to share and spread the love.

Thank You and we look forward to keeping in touch.

Peter Patterson

On behalf of the Frankston Susono Friendship Association