Thursday 5 September 2019

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Frankston Susono Friendship Association

Bulletin No 7.

September 2019

Dear Members (Friends of FSFA),

Welcome to our old friends and new found friends to the FSFA monthly bulletin.

It is a snapshot of our happenings and interesting things about Japan.

Don’t forget you are most welcome to attend our monthly FSFA Executive meetings.
They are held at 6.30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. Location is the Acacia Room in the Frankston Council offices. Enter off Young Street.

Farewell and Thank You

For me this is the last bulletin, as my wife and I are stepping down from the Executive of the Frankston Susono Friendship Association.

The last 23 years have been a blast, but it is time for others to have a go.

Thank you all for an amazing time and the loads of not forgotten experiences and great friendships.

Thank you also to my wife Margaret for putting up with me and for her 20 years with the FSFA Executive.

Annual General Meeting

Don’t forget that our Annual General Meeting is on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 at 6.30 p.m. in the Acacia Room in the Frankston Council offices. Enter off Young Street. Everyone is most welcome.

Speech Contest

Our annual Japanese Speech contest is being held on Friday 6 September 2019 commencing at 5.30 p.m.
It is at the Frankston campus of Monash University - Lecture Theatre F101 which is opposite the George Jenkins Theatre.
We have around 70 entrants from 10 local primary and secondary schools. Good luck to all the participants.

Susono Friendship Garden

The garden was opened by Mayor Michael O’Reilly on Tuesday 13th August 2019 with a plaque unveiled that details the sister city relationship and the connection with Yazaki.
Also present were Mr Shota Tohara, Vice Consul at the Japanese Consulate and Craig O’Donohue former CEO of Yazaki Australia.

We were pleased to have at the opening members of visiting Susono School Delegation and Executive Members of Frankston Susono Friendship Association.

We do plan to develop the garden further. We have a couple of other signs to install and one day a Torii at each end of the path.

This will announce to the community we have a Japanese style public garden in Frankston.

With the assistance of Bruce Pearce we are creating a Virtual Reality experience of the opening that we will share with our friends in Susono.

Please have a look on our website for a great article with photos of the Friendship Garden opening.

We are also pleased to see that the three commemorative signs have been reunited in the garden.

The 30th anniversary sign and the Ohashi plaque were previously located in Wells Street. See the photo below: 


The Garden is located in Susono Way, Frankston opposite the Frankston Private Hospital.


We welcome your thoughts on the bulletin and things we could include, etc.

We all share a passion for Japan and its culture and traditions.

This is one way we are using to share and spread the love.

Thank You and we look forward to keeping in touch.

Peter Patterson

On behalf of the Frankston Susono Friendship Association