Wednesday 16 October 2019

Frankston Susono Friendship Association Bulletin No. 8 - October 2019

Dear Members (Friends of FSFA),

Welcome to our old friends and new found friends to the FSFA monthly bulletin. It is a snapshot of our happenings and interesting things about Japan.

Don’t forget you are most welcome to attend our monthly FSFA Executive meetings. They are held at 6.30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. Location is the Acacia Room in the Frankston Council offices. Enter off Young Street.  Note: because the first Tuesday in November is Melbourne Cup Day, the November meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th November.

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting was a farewell to some old friends and welcome to others taking new roles.  Special thanks to our retiring Chairperson Peter Patterson, after 23 years on the Executive, and a long period as our leader, and Margaret Patterson after 20 years on the Executive. We welcome Julie D’Arcy, who has taken on the role of Chairperson. Julie has a long history with the Association having been one of our first exchange students to Susono. Simon Hast continues as Vice-Chairperson.

Chairperson Julie D'Arcy
Vice-Chairperson Simon Hast

We welcome back Sam Warrington to the Executive. Sam was our last long-term exchange student to Susono. He is now teaching Japanese at a local school.

Speech Contest

Our annual Japanese Speech contest was held on Friday 6 September 2019 and was a great success. Thank you to Simon, Therese and Bev for the organisation. To our Judges, well done for a great job. Many thanks also to the students and schools for their participation.

Primary division winners with Perpetual Trophies
Secondary division winners with Perpetual Trophies

For details go to our website report by clicking HERE

Travelling to Japan

We recommend having a look at the website It is a fantastic resource of information for planning your trip to Japan. It is also a great way to get an insight into Japanese culture.

Japanese Garden

Last Sunday (13th October) we held our Japanese Garden Working Bee in preparation for next week's Hanami Party. Thank you to the small but hard-working group which included Chairperson Julie D'Arcy and her partner Tim, Vice-Chairperson Simon Hast, great FSFA friend Ralph Hanlon from the Australia Japanese Model Railway Group, and committee members Adrian Thomas, Bev Hannan and Vic Webster.

To read the report and view the pictures posted to our website please click HERE

Hanami Party

We hope to see many of you at our Hanami Party next Sunday 20 October from 12 noon until 3 p.m. Parking is available in the Overport Primary School carpark - the entrance is opposite the Frankston South Leisure Centre on Towerhill Road. FSFA will be providing sushi and snacks, plus tea and coffee - we ask you please BYO drinks. Please join with us to celebrate Hanami under the vivid pink blossoms next Sunday!

Upcoming Events

Scheduled Date
FSFA Committee Meetings
Frankston Council Chambers
First Tuesday each month @ 6.30 p.m. except November where it is the first Wednesday.
Japanese Garden Hanami Party
Frankston High Senior Campus
20th October 2019; 18th October 2020
Proclamation Anniversary
Various venues in Frankston
Saturday 22nd / Sunday 23rd February 2020
2020 Susono Delegation Visit
Various venues in Frankston
Thursday 26th to Monday 30th November 2020
FSFA Japanese Festival
Frankston High Senior Campus
Sunday 29th November 2020
Frankston Delegation to Susono
Susono, Shizuoka, Japan
October 2021 – Dates to be confirmed

Other Events


Collingwood Town Hall 11:00 am

Australia Miyake Kai will be performing.

This festival has had a break for the past couple of years, but now it is back. Very hands-on for students and young kids with lots of entertainment as well.




We welcome your thoughts on the Bulletin and things we could include etc. We all share a passion for Japan and its culture and traditions. This is one way we are using to share and spread the love.

Thank You and we look forward to keeping in touch.

Bob Tanner (On behalf of the Frankston Susono Friendship Association)