Sunday, 20 March 2022

March Working Bee

This morning (Sunday 20th March) we held our March working bee in the Japanese Garden at Frankston High School, which coincided with the school's Term 1 working bee. The plan was to complete weeding, removal of dead flowers, trimming and pruning the many shrubs, plus removal of leaves, general tidying and watering.

Frankston Mayor Cr Nathan Conroy was invited and joined us along with committee members Sam Warrington, Therese Sakamoto, Anita Cross and Adrian Thomas with daughter Amy. Other committee members were apologies due to travel commitments and Chairperson Julie D'Arcy felt unwell this morning and made the wise decision not to attend!

Morning tea scones were kindly delivered by Frankston High principal Andrew Batchelor and Senior Campus principal and FSFA committee member Helen Wilson, and Therese volunteered to do the coffee run. After our delicious morning tea, which included Japanese sweets offered by Amy, we had a group photo before Mayor Conroy left to attend another function.

Another couple of hours work had the garden in tip-top condition with the final clean up, emptying bins and watering to finish the morning's work. We were then invited to join the other morning's workers for a bbq and drink provided by the school.

The assistance provided during the morning is greatly appreciated and the garden is in great nick at the moment - thanks to everyone for your great work this morning!